When Are Dental Implants Necessary?

Dental implants are an effective tooth replacement option for people with missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants consist of artificial tooth roots with crowns that mimic the feeling of natural teeth. When placed properly, dental implants can restore bite force, stimulate bone growth, and improve your overall oral health. 

Dental implant procedures are considered to be generally safe and the implants last a long time when placed by an experienced oral surgeon. If you are considering implants, it’s important to understand when they are necessary and how they can help to restore your smile and oral health.

1. You Have One or More Missing Teeth 

Dental implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Missing teeth are the number one reason people request dental implant surgery at our Bakersfield, CA dental office. 

Missing teeth can cause difficulties with eating and chewing. Dental implants help to restore your jawbone strength and chewing power so that everyday jawbone actions such as talking and eating are more comfortable. 

2. Your Tooth Is Cracked or Broken 

A replacement tooth may be necessary if you have a severely cracked tooth or teeth that cannot be repaired with fillings or crowns. The process to replace a damaged tooth with an implant is as follows:

  1. The dentist will extract the roots and remnants of the remaining tooth and clear out the nerve pulp. 

  2. A new artificial tooth root will be placed in the gap. 

  3. After the artificial tooth root integrates with the bone, the dentist will add the abutment and crown.

  4. The dental implant will soon begin to feel like your natural teeth.

3. Your Dentures Are Loose or Don’t Fit Properly

Ill-fitting, loose dentures can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw. Dentures are less sturdy than implants and need to be removed regularly for cleaning. Most dentists will recommend dental implants or dental bridges for individuals with loose dentures who want a more permanent tooth replacement solution.

All-on-4 dental implants offer greater stability and a longer-lasting solution than dentures. They also help to prevent bone loss. Some studies demonstrate up to a 20-year survival rate for dental implants. If you feel like your dentures are loose or uncomfortable, your dentist can evaluate the situation and determine whether dental implants would be a good solution.

4. Your Face Is Changing Shape 

One or more missing teeth can cause jaw bone shrinkage and lead to changes in your facial structure. Teeth support the facial muscles and a gap in the teeth can cause the cheeks and lips to sink inward, creating a sunken appearance. Changes in facial shape can also cause problems with dental occlusion, which is the way your upper teeth and lower teeth come together.

Dental implants help to restore the symmetry of the face by filling in gaps where teeth are missing and preventing jawbone shrinkage in the future. Many individuals choose to get dental implants to restore their teeth's functionality and improve the appearance of their smile.

Dental Implants Will Help You Smile With Confidence

Dental implants may be necessary if you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, a cracked tooth, loose dentures, or changes to the shape of your face (due to missing teeth). Implants offer a durable, long-lasting solution and resemble natural teeth. They also help preserve bone tissue, support the adjacent teeth, and reduce the risk of other teeth shifting out of place.

It’s best to meet with an experienced oral surgeon to find out if you are a good candidate for implants. When placed correctly, implants can restore your oral health and help you smile with confidence again!


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